Bayes Business School - Henry Thornton Lecture: Does open banking expand credit access?

  • 3 June 2024
  • Seminar
Event Details

On Monday 3rd of June, Professor Manju Puri will join the Centre for Banking Research at Bayes Business School to deliver this year's Henry Thornton Lecture. Puri is a Professor at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University with expertise in the field of empirical corporate finance, particularly financial intermediation. Her research covers commercial and investment banks, venture capital, entrepreneurship, behavioural finance, and FinTech.

The lecture will explore open banking and asks the question: can open banking, especially the public provision of digital payment infrastructure with customer-consent data sharing, potentially expand credit access, particularly for the underserved?

Date & Time

18:30 – 19:45 BST

Booking Details
To book your place click here.