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Here are the resources you’ll need to complete your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements in 2025.

The Chartered Banker Institute believes that CPD is essential for maintaining high standards of professional practice and ethicical judgement. It ensures that the public and employers can trust that the designatory letters after your name signify a genuine and current commitment to professional excellence in banking.

As NatWest Group is a member of our Approved Employer Scheme, we consider annual training you complete with your employer to be CPD.  However, to meet our annual CPD requirements and maintain your professional status, you will need to log 2 hours of CPD-specific to your own learning goals.

The Chartered Banker Institute requires members to identify their professional development needs and address them through various CPD activities. Members should focus on and reflect upon the outcomes of CPD activities in addition to the time spent on them.

What do I need to do? 

  1. Identify learning goals and plan your activities, this can align with your personal development plan.
  2. Record a minimum of 2 hours of CPD activities in your CPD training log to demonstrate your progress

NatWest will ask you to confirm that you have met your Institute CPD requirements towards the end of the year. This will need to be completed by 31 December 2025 for NatWest Group to maintain their approved employer status.

Annually, the Institute will also audit selected professional members. For more information about how this works, the Institute’s policy towards CPD, and suitable content, refer to our brochure refer to our online brochure Maintaining your professional status with Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

CPD Resources

If you’re not sure where to start, have a look at the resources on the NatWest Group Enterprise Membership page or choose from our selection of top picks for 2025 below:

We've gathered a range of resources together to support you in your further professional development. This includes reference books and articles, to videos and e-learning.


Digital & AI e-learning

Digital & AI Evolution in Banking e-learning

Lending Skills natwest CPD

Lending skills

Access various learning resources to enhance your credit and lending skills and expand your business knowledge

Risk Knowledge Podcast - Eps 3 - Data

RisKnowledge Podcast - Episode 3 - Data

In this podcast we explore the world of Data. Key topics include its history, trends, trust, strategies, governance, and innovation, along with tools, staff engagement, and more. You may wish to listen on a mobile device.

Welcome to the Commercial & Institutional Growth Development Series hub, providing an easy and flexible approach to learning, supporting you to build skills and knowledge to help you thrive.


A wide range of career-related training from your employer.