Quarter 1 Resources 

Welcome to your Q1 Professionalism & Ethics CPD resources for 2023.  Change is a given in financial services but embracing lifelong learning and acquiring new knowledge and skills will help you develop a sustainable career in banking. We’re delighted to support you in this with our Q1 learning options.  You can also refer to our online brochure ‘Where will your career take you?” to find out more about what activities you can record as part of your continuing professional development. 

What do I need to do? 

  1. Review the options below and select the activities you would like to complete 

  2. Aim to complete between 30 – 60 minutes of these activities this quarter  

  3. Important!  Complete your  CPD log to demonstrate that have completed your CPD 

  4. Climate Change Fundamentals - These modules form part of your CPD this year and are available through Natwest Workday 

    You must complete this learning by 01/07/2023. 

    Please enrol in each module to make sure Workday registers your completion.

    Please note - There is no need for you to capture the Climate Change Fundamentals learning on your CPD log, as your progress will be uploaded to your CPD log quarterly by the Insitiute

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Q1 CPD Resources

How can banks help amid the cost-of-living crisis?

How can banks help amid the cost-of-living crisis?

First coined in the late-2000s but has hovered chiefly under the radar when compared to ‘greenwashing’, which enjoys widespread familiarity.  Read to find out more.

A vital time for good financial advice

A vital time for good financial advice

As the cost-of-living crisis intensifies, many people are looking for places to turn to for advice.  With most households aiming to make savings, what suggestions can financial advisers make to help people save?

Line of Duty

Line of Duty

As the industry readies itself for the launch of the Financial Conduct Authority’s new Consumer Duty principles, Chartered Banker examines why the new regulations are needed and the higher levels of protection and choice that they promise.

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Money Box Live: Fighting Fraud and Scams

Money Box Live: Fighting Fraud and Scams

With hundreds of thousands of victims and billions of pounds stolen every year, the UK continues to be in the grip of a fraud epidemic. You may need to log in to your BBC account to listen.

Supporting customers in crisis - NWG resource

Supporting customers in crisis

This module will help you demonstrate your ‘purposeful professionalism’ and care for your customers through your thoughts, actions and words by doing what you can to help them in their hour of need.

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Climate Change Fundamentals

Climate Change Fundamentals

Addressing climate change sits at the heart of our purpose and we all have a role to play to transition to a more sustainable future. This 60mins of learning will help you understand your role in climate change and how to take action.

Illegal money lending: the tactics, the signs and the response

Illegal money lending: the tactics, the signs and the response

This webinar looks at illegal money lending, the tactics illegal money lenders use, how employers and others can recognise the signs of this activity taking place and provide help.


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There is no need for you to capture the Climate Change Fundamentals learning on your CPD log, as your progress will be uploaded to your CPD log quarterly by the Institute.