Quarter 3 Resources 

Welcome to your Q3 Professionalism & Ethics CPD resources for 2023. 

You can also refer to our online brochure ‘Where will your career take you?” to find out more about what activities you can record as part of your continuing professional development. 

What do I need to do?

  1. Review the options below and select the activities you would like to complete 
  2. Aim to complete between 30 – 60 minutes of these activities this quarter  
  3. Important!  Complete your  CPD log to demonstrate that have completed your CPD 
  4. Climate Change Fundamentals - These modules form part of your CPD this year and are available through Natwest Workday 

You must complete this learning by 01/07/2023. 

Please enrol in each module to make sure Workday registers your completion.

Please note - There is no need for you to capture the Climate Change Fundamentals learning on your CPD log, as your progress will be uploaded to your CPD log quarterly by the Insitiute.

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Q3 CPD Resources

The skills you need to thrive in a changing world

Green and Sustainable Finance Explainer Blog

Learn about the growing importance of green and sustainable finance in addressing global challenges such as climate change. Discover the key concepts and practices behind green finance and sustainable finance.

Developing your emotional intelligence

Developing your emotional intelligence

Learn how to develop key skills like empathy, active listening and self-awareness to help become more emotionally intelligent in the workplace.

4 steps to be more empathetic

4 steps to be more empathetic

Empathy is a key skill to have in the workplace. Find out exactly what it means to be empathetic, why it's so important and the four steps you can take to develop yours.

The role of KYC when it comes to sanctions

The role of KYC when it comes to sanctions

KYC clearly plays an enormous part in supporting sanctions. Adhering to the practices is no small ask, but it’s an imperative step in playing your part.

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What is responsible banking?

What is responsible banking?

Explore the world of responsible banking practices, the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, and learn about ethical and sustainable solutions to the global, social and environmental challenges we face today.

THE 2023 UK Finance Fraud Report

THE 2023 UK Finance Fraud Report

UK Finance‘s Annual Fraud Report for 2023 reveals some important trends in the fraud landscape. In all, UK consumers lost a combined £1.2 billion across all fraud types last year. However, the report also contains some encouraging news

Inside FCA Podcast: What does the Consumer Duty consumer support outcome mean?

Inside FCA Podcast: What does the Consumer Duty consumer support outcome mean?

Explore the principles behind the consumer support outcome, its impact on the channels of support firms should offer, what is meant by 'sludge' and 'appropriate friction', and how firms should review their customer journeys.

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Customer experience is king

Customer experience is king

The FCA’s new Consumer Duty means financial institutions must consider their product offerings. This scenario examines operational and digital challenges they must consider to remain compliant.

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Green Conversations - Rhona Turnbull

Green Conversations

Mariam Lawal discusses nature related finance risks with Rhona Turnbull, Climate, Environment Emerging Issues Lead at NatWest Group. Please note, you will need to access this recording on a mobile device.

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How financially resilient are bank employees? - Credit and Lending in a cost-of-living crisis

How financially resilient are bank employees? - Credit and Lending in a cost-of-living crisis

Hosted by Steve Pateman, President of the Chartered Banker Institute, featuring Paul Barrett, Head of Wellbeing at the Bank Workers Charity. Please note, you will need to access this recording on a mobile device.

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Fraud Awareness

Fraud Awareness

This course will delve into the definition of fraud on both a legal and a practical basis and examine some of the different forms fraud can take.

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Mental Health Awareness Week: Understanding financial anxiety

Mental Health Awareness Week: Understanding financial anxiety

This webcast discusses the effect financial stress can have on mental health and gain useful insights into the resources and help available to you or your customers.

The next frontier – a focus on fraud Roundtable

The next frontier – a focus on fraud Roundtable

A significant rise in Impersonation fraud, Artificial Intelligence and Investment scams have led many to ask what measures are being taken to protect vulnerable customers?

There is no need for you to capture the Climate Change Fundamentals learning on your CPD log, as your progress will be uploaded to your CPD log quarterly by the Institute.