As a member of the Chartered Banker Institute, you have access to exclusive learning resources available on our Toolkits. Our variety of learning resources develop both technical, soft skills and critical thinking, that will support your career development.
How to apply for a qualification
Your membership gives you free access to our elearning modules for:
- Digital & AI Evolution in banking
- Professional Banker Certificate
- Green & Sustainable Finance Certificate.
Once you’ve completed the modules, you can become a fully qualified Certified member of the Institute, if you pass the relevant examinations and pay the relevant fee.
To find out how to apply for funding for a professional qualification, Search ‘professional qualifications’ on the NatWest intranet and access the NatWest Group Academy - Professional Development Page for more details.
You should always request funding for a professional qualification using your normal process as outlined on the NatWest Group Academy - Professional Development Page before you register for a professional qualification with the Chartered Banker Institute.
If you want to fund the qualification yourself, we offer discounts for NatWest Group employees.
Associate Chartered Banker Diploma Transition - what you need to know
Great news! If you’ve already completed credit/lending modules, you may be eligible for transition credits toward the Associate Chartered Banker Diploma (ACBD). Scroll down for more details