Professional Banker Certificate

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We are excited to announce the relaunch of the Professional Banker Certificate qualification for 2023. 

This qualification comprises of a single course, the Foundations of Responsible Banking, which aims to develop the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the business of banking. The course combines study of core banking principles and practice with learning about the forces that are transforming the way we bank, and how banks are responding to meet the changing expectations of customers in an increasingly competitive environment. 

The eLearning covers themes such as responsible and sustainable banking, and what it means to be a professional in banking in the current environment. The learner will be better able to apply those principles to help their bank deliver its strategy, perform well at work, and serve customers, communities, and the wider environment well.   

This flagship introductory banking certificate is suitable for all bank employees globally. It is of particular relevance to those new to banking, who want to expand their knowledge and understanding of the business they are in – the business of banking – and have that knowledge and understanding recognised through the award of a professional banking qualification. 




Why was the Professional Banker Certificate updated?

The Professional Banker Certificate has been updated for 2023 to provide a qualification that meets the needs of all bank employees globally. It has been designed as the foundational qualification for bankers at all entry levels, particularly those new to banking. This qualification provides enhanced coverage of key aspects of banking such as digital banking as well retaining the essential study of core banking principles and practice. 

I recently enrolled for a previous version of Professional Banker Certificate. Can I transfer to the new version?

If you are currently enrolled on the 2019 version of the Professional Banker Certificate, you are eligible to transfer to the 2023 version of the Professional Banker Certificate if you: 

  • registered for the 2019 version of the Professional Banker Certificate after 14 May 2023; 
  • request to transition to the 2023 version of the Professional Banker Certificate no later than 22 December 2023;
  • the Professional Banker Certificate is not being studied as part of an apprenticeship. 

There is no charge for eligible learners to transfer from the 2019 version of the Professional Banker Certificate to the 2023 version.  

As the 2023 version contains new and updated content, there is no ‘exemption’ for learning content previously studied in the 2019 version. This means that you must study all the units in the programme before taking the exam.  

What are the key changes in the new version of the Professional Banker Certificate?

The learning programme for the Professional Banker Certificate has been redesigned and updated for 2023 (PBC 2023), with the educational level of this qualification and recommended learning hours being reduced. The educational level has been reduced to cater for bankers at all stages in their career, and at all entry levels (from SCQF level 7 to SCQF level 6). The recommended hours of learning have also been reduced to 60 hours of learning, whereas the 2019 version required 130 hours of learning. These changes aim to improve the experience for foundational-level learning. 

This qualification continues to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the business of banking, and covers core banking principles and practice. Additionally, it provides enhanced coverage of key aspects of banking such as digital banking. 

I completed a previous version of PBC. How can I access the updated material and resources for the new version?

Some of the updated content will be made available to all members as CPD.   

Why are you withdrawing the Foundation Certificate in Responsible Banking (FCRB)

The Foundation Certificate in Responsible Banking (FCRB) consists of the first two units of the Professional Banker Certificate 2019. 

The Professional Banker Certificate has been updated for 2023 and is available to study from 31 August 2023. This is a smaller qualification than the Professional Banker Certificate 2019, and also positioned at a lower educational level. It is designed to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the business of banking, and covers the core principles and practice of what is meant by responsible and sustainable banking.

The new version of the Professional Banker Certificate offers a better, broader foundation programme than is currently offered with FCRB. We are therefore closing FCRB to new registrations on 15 August 2023.   

I would like to apply for Professional Banker Diploma. Is the Professional Banker Certificate 2023 qualification part of the Professional Banker Diploma?

Professional Banker Certificate 2023 is not part of the Professional Banker Diploma. Further information on the Professional Banker Diploma is available from CBI | Professional Banker Diploma ( 

How can I stay informed about future updates regarding the Professional Banker Certificate?

All future updates regarding the Professional Banker Certificate can be found on our website and across our different social media platforms.

Please follow us on:

  • LinkedIn: @The Chartered Banker Institute
  • Facebook: @Chartered Banker Institute
  • Twitter: @CharteredBanker


Key facts
  • Interactive and digital learning. 

  • Learning Materials for this certificate will be sent by email, with more information on our Learning Management System (LMS) and course materials.

  • Assessed by an online exam comprising 40 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 60%. 

  • Members will receive a digital certificate for this qualification via email usually within 5 days of successfully being awarded the qualification. To find out more about the new digital certificates, click here. 

  • Registration is valid for 12 months. Learners are expected to sit and pass the examination within that time. 

  • The module costs £360 which includes your first exam entry fee. Exam resits cost £145 per module. 

  • In order to study the Professional Banker Certificate, you must become a member of the Institute. An annual subscription fee of £33.00 will be payable upon registration. 


On completion of this Qualification, the learner will be able to: 

  • explain the purpose and function of different types of banks and banking  

  • explain what is meant by responsible and sustainable banking, and how goals and other objectives are articulated through a bank’s mission, vision, and values statement 

  • describe the different types of bank customers, and the products, services and delivery channels banks provide to meet their needs 

  • describe the customer service environment and the impact of technology on the customer experience 

  • explain the purpose of banking regulation, and the principles of good regulation and conduct   

  • explain what is meant by professional and ethical banking, and describe the measures in place to ensure banks and banking professionals treat customers fairly 


This qualification will also support you in the development of a number of key skills including:  

  • customer relationship management  
  • cyber security 
  • digital literacy 
  • problem solving 
  • self-directed learning 
  • teamwork 

The Professional Banker Certificate comprises of a single course, the Foundations of Responsible Banking. The Foundations of Responsible Banking syllabus is made up of the following six units:

  • Unit 1: Banks and banking 
  • Unit 2: Responsible and sustainable banking 
  • Unit 3: Bank customers 
  • Unit 4: The customer experience 
  • Unit 5: Financial regulation 
  • Unit 6: Professional and ethical banking 

This qualification is assessed by one online examination, lasting 60 minutes, and consisting of 40 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 60%. 

Examinations can be taken at any one of our examination centres throughout the UK and internationally. Results will be available immediately. Learners also have the option to take the exam via remote invigilation.


Note: To achieve the Professional Banker Diploma, you must complete the 2019 or earlier version of the Professional Banker Certificate and two further modules.   

Am I Eligible?

Am I Eligible? 

There are no entry requirements for the Professional Banker Certificate. This qualification was created for bank employees at all levels globally. It is mostly aimed at individuals who are new to banking, and who want to expand their knowledge and understanding of the business they are in. 

Although work experience is helpful, this is not essential as all learning materials are provided as part of registration. 


The certificate is delivered online via the Institute’s Learning Management System, which enables learners to access the learning materials anywhere, anytime. Resources include;  

  • Six interactive e-learning units; 

  • Case studies and online resources, including videos; 

  • Recommended further reading; 

  • Online knowledge checks with feedback on responses to enhance learning; 

  • Mock exam 


Module Specification:

PBC Module Spec 23/24