Webcast: Pay, Progression and Gender
In this webcast Hilary Cooper from the Finance Foundation will introduce and discuss our recent survey on diversity in the workplace which covered issues surrounding pay, progression and gender.
She will also provide some context on these issues and why they persist, and offer some reflections on what more might be done going forward to help our female membership.
Hilary Cooper - Associate Director, The Finance Foundation
- after a short period as a banking intern at the start of her career, Hilary joined the civil service, working for more than 20 years as a government economist and senior policy maker, also acting as an adviser and trustee for the youth charity Theatre Is...from 2008-12. After leaving to begin her freelance career she published 'Putting Customers First' a report on retail finance regulation for Demos Finance in 2014, followed in 2016 by a major report for the Finance Foundation: “When I’m 84” Locking the door on the older old: the challenge facing Britain’s banks looking at financial exclusion in older age.