We understand that building human capital is as important for banks as maintaining financial capital.
Utilising our panel of industry experts and in-house academia we can review, advise on and help you to develop your own in-house learning programmes. We offer a full range of solutions from working with you to determine training needs, to accrediting and developing your existing learning programmes, to the development of fully bespoke courses and qualifications for your organisation.
Throughout our long history we have developed a great reputation for working in partnership, collaborating closely to enhance and sustain strong cultures of professionalism. We provide a bespoke service and a dedicated consultant to work with you.
We also offer access to a wide range of ‘bite-size’ continuing professional development courses covering soft skills to specific technical competencies and can work with you to determine and meet your employees’ on-going CPD needs.

Meeting Your Regulatory Needs
Increasing regulation has been identified as one of the sector’s global ‘megatrends’, both on a local level and as more countries evolve to incorporate international standards.
Part of our remit is to help banks to not only meet, but exceed, the requirements of regulatory regimes, through enhancing and sustaining a culture of customer-focused, ethical banking.
We offer:
A wide portfolio of professional banking qualifications leading to Chartered Banker status, supporting the development and demonstration of competence for a wide variety of roles, which helps give evidence of an individual’s knowledge, skills and behaviours to regulators.
Bespoke consultancy, learning, e-learning and regulatory solutions.
Our Qualification Framework
We offer a flexible, wide-ranging framework of professional qualifications to meet employee needs from entry to senior level. Our entry-level qualifications are often used by organisations within their induction programmes as an excellent way to ensure that those new to the sector develop their core banking skills. Some banks choose to implement their achievement as a necessary step for promotion; ensuring the professional development of those who rise to higher levels of responsibility and accountability within the organisation.
At the more senior level we offer routes for experienced professionals who wish to convert years of experience into a recognised qualification, for example, via our ‘fast-track’ Chartered Banker by Experience programme.
Every level of study instils the concepts of ethical professionalism.
Most of our qualifications are delivered as interactive learning experiences via our learning management system – comprising of modular units, articles, videos, quizzes and links to further information. Students also have access to a wide range of additional resources to aid their learning, such as short courses, webinars, CPD materials and our online Chartered Banker magazine.
We provide fully global assessment facilities (online or at a local centre) via the Pearson VUE exam network.
Programmes are designed, built and updated by our own in-house, e-learning development team.
Internal training can offer many of the practical skills required in modern banking. Our accreditation service ensures such training is assessed and benchmarked against the Institute's professional standards and is given the validation and recognition it deserves. Successful accreditation may provide recognition of your bank training within our qualification framework, helping reduce the time and cost of achieving a professional qualification.
All successfully accredited programmes are recognised with certification from the Institute as a Chartered Banker Accredited Programme; translating into enhanced reputation, and a differentiator, for your organisation.
Bespoke Qualifications
Our team of experts is on hand to collaborate with you on the development of bespoke qualifications designed to meet the professional learning needs of specific groups of people in your organisation. Bespoke qualifications can also be used to help more of your people make progress towards becoming a Chartered Banker.
We assist organisations in developing training programmes, including bite-sized, online and executive, utilising our network of senior industry practitioners, academia, thought leaders and subject matter experts.
Continuing Professional Development
We recognise that many of our members are undertaking a great deal of continuing professional development (CPD) in the workplace. Our Approved Employer Scheme has been designed to help members achieve the majority of their CPD in this way without having to evidence this individually. Find out more.
Consultancy and Relationship Management
Our dedicated team of Consultants and Relationship Managers are on hand to help your bank get the most from your relationship with the Institute. From helping identify and resource the right professional development for your team, to sharing best practice to ensure smooth implementation, their experience will help you get results. You will work with your own, dedicated Relationship Manager.