We have accredited advanced banking programmes offered by the Institute of Bankers in Ireland (trading as the Institute of Banking), a Recognised College of University College Dublin. If you are studying with, or are a member of the Institute of Banking, you can find out how to become a Chartered Banker by visiting their website: www.iob.ie

Working together with our colleagues at the Romanian Banking Institute (IBR), a leading provider of bank training in the region, we offer an Advanced Diploma which builds on the experience and knowledge of individuals in the Romanian banking sector to provide a route towards Chartered Banker status. For more information, please visit their website: www.ibr-rbi.ro

We are working on a number of initiatives with our colleagues at the Institute of Financial Services Malta. They are an agent for our Chartered Banker MBA programme. Find out more by visiting: www.ifsmalta.org
We are currently investigating other opportunities to work with European colleagues. Please continue to watch these pages for updates.

We have been working with the European Banking & Financial Services Training Association (EBTN) since its beginnings in 1992. EBTN aims to become the standard-setting body for the accreditation, certification and qualification of knowledge, skills and competences in the European financial services sector. We are one of the main supporters of EBTN’s work to create professional education standards in Europe. You can read more about the EBTN projects we are currently supporting here, or for more details of EBTN's work please visit: www.ebtn-association.eu